Smart Farming and Agricultural Safety through TechnologicalAdvancement in Drone Spraying

  • Received
    August 12, 2024
  • Revised
    September 7, 2024
  • Accepted
    September 12, 2024
  • Published
    September 18, 2024


  • Pattharaporn Thongnim
  • Panida Duangkaew
  • Phaitoon Srinil


The research investigates the transformative effects of drone technology on agricultural methodologies, with a focus on its application in Thai durian orchards, which play a pivotal role in Thailand’s agriculture. It examines the efficacy of four distinct drone spraying methods in enhancing water distribution and minimizing chemical exposure. A significant discovery of the study is the effectiveness of using a reduced chemical volume of 125 liters per hectare, compared to 250 liters per hectare. This finding challenges traditional agricultural practices and underscores the benefits of precision technology in the application of treatments. By decreasing the volume of chemicals used, the study anticipates improvements in durian cultivation and significantly reduces farmers’ exposure to harmful chemicals. This advancement represents a major leap towards safer, more sustainable, and efficient farming practices, positioning drone technology as a key player in the future of agriculture in durian farming.


Agriculture, Drone Spraying, Smart Farming, Environmental Sustainability


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