Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy for Journal of Modern Computing and Engineering Research (JMCER)

At the Journal of Modern Computing and Engineering Research (JMCER), we are committed to advancing research and knowledge in the field of computing and engineering by providing unrestricted access to high-quality scientific articles. As part of our dedication to promoting open science and fostering a collaborative academic community, we have adopted the following Open Access Policy:

1. Authorship and Originality:

  • All authors must have contributed significantly to the research and writing of the manuscript. Proper credit should be given to all individuals who have made substantial contributions.
  • Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals or submitting work that has been previously published (self-plagiarism) or is under review elsewhere is considered unethical and is not allowed.
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work and should appropriately cite and acknowledge the contributions of others.

2. Plagiarism and Citation:

  • Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited. All sources, including the author’s own work, should be properly cited and referenced.
  • Authors should not use verbatim text or substantial portions of text from other sources without proper acknowledgment.
  • Proper attribution and citation guidelines must be followed for images, tables, figures, and any other material taken from external sources.

3. Data Integrity and Reproducibility:

  • The authors must provide accurate and valid data in their manuscripts. Fabrication, falsification, or manipulation of data is unacceptable.
  • The authors are encouraged to share their raw data and any additional materials required to reproduce the findings presented in the manuscript, promoting research integrity and transparency.

4. Conflict of interest:

  • Authors, peer reviewers, and editors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the research or publication process.
  • Conflict of interest includes financial, personal, or institutional relationships that could affect the objectivity, integrity, or credibility of the research.

5. Peer Review Process:

  • Peer review plays a critical role in maintaining the quality of published research. Editors and reviewers are expected to conduct the review process objectively, fairly, and confidentially.
  • Reviewers should promptly report any suspected ethical misconduct to the journal’s editorial board.

6. Editorial Independence and Decision Making:

  • The editorial board of JMCER maintains full editorial independence and makes publication decisions based on the quality, originality, significance, and ethical soundness of the research.
  • Manuscripts are evaluated solely on the basis of their intellectual content, regardless of the authors’ race, gender, nationality, institutional affiliation, or other factors.

7. Corrections and Retractions:

  • If errors or inaccuracies are identified in a published article, the authors should promptly notify the journal and cooperate in issuing corrections or retractions as necessary.

8. Misconduct and Ethical Violations:

  • In cases of suspected misconduct or ethical violations, the journal will follow the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and will take appropriate measures, including further investigation and potential sanctions.

By adopting this Open Access Policy, Journal of Modern Computing and Engineering Research (JMCER) aims to foster collaboration, accelerate scientific progress, and provide a global platform for researchers, practitioners, and the public to access and engage with cutting-edge research in the fields of computing and engineering.